Friday, September 21, 2007


Kyle started Head Start yesterday. Glenda put him on the bus this morning bright and early. He brought a note home saying that he had a good first week at school. Seems like only the other day we were having a baby shower for him, how can he be off at school, already?

Kim wanted to take Aaron out to lunch, so as soon as Kyle got home from school, they piled into the car and went to Friendly's. Kyle announced that he wanted to go to sleep and tried to crawl under the table for a nap. School may take some getting used to!

A few random notes- Glenda was (is?) a big Elvis Aaron Presley fan, which accounts for Aaron's unique spelling of her name. (Well, perhaps not unique if you are a boy!)

Aaron has non-small cell lung cancer. Non small cell is the most common form of lung cancer. She is currently taking Tarceva which "is designed to block cell tumor cell growth by targeting the protein in your body called the Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 1".

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